We acknowledge with our sincere gratitude and heartfelt thanks to all the corporates, organizations and individuals:
The Hope Foundation
C'est Mon Rêve
Fondation de france
Les Galopins de Calcutta
Administraciones Apodaka SL
Calcutta Fund
Maureen Forrest
Jenny Browne
Carole Buonvino
Gaetan Grieko
Laurent Buonvino
Assunta Grieko
Fabienne Fichet
Pascale Gibson
Alfonso Paradinas
Beatriz de Aranzabal
Maite de Aranzabal
Maria Gabriela Rezola Sansinenea
David Walsh
Idoia Knorr Barandiaran
Joy Kar
Josep Vicent Aragó Palasí
Dr. Rabindranath Mukherjee
Indrajit Sen